
Last events

10/05/24 10:15
New transaction 0001E was made in the amount of 685,08€
10/05/24 09:15
Payment was received in the amount of $700 for transaction 0001E
10/04/24 16:15
Item Blender Apach ABL1-P for transaction 0001E is at warehouse
10/04/24 15:30
Shipment request ZNO-В000001 was registered for transaction 0001E
10/04/24 12:00
The item Blender Apach ABL1-P has been shipped for transaction 0001E
10/04/24 12:16
User user@mail registered a message #WF-4658
10/04/24 11:05
Payment was received in the amount of $700 for transaction 0001E

Placed/paid transactions 04/01/2024 - 11/01/2024

Paid transactions
Placed transactions
Average percentage
of paying off the items reserved
Other dealers' average perc. of of paying off the items reserved

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More than 70,000 products of professional kitchen equipment

Waiting at the warehouse

Item Transaction Warehouse Quantity Waiting, days
580116 From 08/19/2024 USA 10 pcs. 7 09/28/2024
580244 From 09/18/2024 USA 7 pcs. 8 09/27/2024
585496 From 09/19/2024 USA 8 pcs. 4 10/01/2024
581164 From 08/22/2024 USA 1 pcs. 7 09/28/2024
581346 From 08/28/2024 USA 8 pcs. 2 10/03/2024

Arrives at the warehouse In the coming days

Item Transaction Warehouse Quantity Receipt
581730 From 09/04/2024 USA 6 pcs. 10/06/2024
581568 From 09/04/2024 USA 5 pcs. 10/06/2024
581568 From 09/04/2024 USA 3 pcs. 10/06/2024

Transactions New registered transactions

Transaction Date Amount Shipped Status Reserve Proforma invoices
528574 10/04/2024 10:00:15 685,08 USD 0 USD No shipments 0 USD Transaction approved. Awaiting payment To 10/08/2024 Item reserved till 10/08/2024 not available
576701 10/02/2024 14:43:07 56 335,02 USD 0 USD No shipments 0 USD Transaction not approved Item is not reserved not available
561672 09/30/2024 14:55:12 2 091,42 USD 209,14 USD Partially 0 USD In progress. Partially paid or shipped Item reserved Offer-00581114_561672.pdf Offer-00581114-01_561672.pdf
528398 09/27/2024 10:32:42 12 190,20 USD 12 190,20 USD Fully 12 190,20 USD The order is fully paid and shipped Not actual Offer-00581859_528398.pdf
